News from MSI

Shape Matters: How Packaging Can Influence Purchase Choices

April 11, 2021

New York University marketing professor Priya Raghubir’s lightbulb moment about consumer behavior came in the late 1990s, when she was a new mother struggling with a fussy baby who refused to eat. One particularly exasperating day, she switched the bowl she normally used to feed her son and was amazed that he gobbled up everything. […]

Marketing and Politics: How the Presidency Plays a Role in Consumer Behavior

January 24, 2021

Everybody loves a winner. It’s human nature to herd to the winning side in order to reap the benefits of belonging to a dominant group. That maxim has long held true in sports, and new research shows how it applies to the complicated relationship between politics and branding. Following a major election, consumer preferences shift. […]

Beyond the Pandemic: Eight Principles Marketers Can Use to Find Opportunities in Crises

January 14, 2021

Legendary marketing professor and consultant Philip Kotler has a stern warning for practitioners who are simply muddling through the coronavirus pandemic, waiting for a return to normal. That kind of complacency is a business killer, he says. “Marketing is no longer placing some ads in broadcast and print, and pricing your product. That’s the old […]

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