MSI Announces the 2022 Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award

October 16, 2023

The Marketing Science Institute (MSI) is pleased to announce the 2022 Robert D. Buzzell MSI Best Paper Awards.

The MSI Best Paper Award was instituted in 1993 to honor the authors of the MSI working papers that have made the most significant contribution to marketing practice and thought. It also serves to signal the kind of writing and research that is of lasting value to corporate marketing executives. Each year the award is given for the best MSI paper issued during the calendar year two years previous. This delay exists to allow sufficient time to assess the impact of each paper on the field of marketing.

The winning paper for the 2022 Robert D. Buzzell MSI Best Paper Award is: 

Do Offline and Online Go Hand in Hand? Cross-Channel and Synergy Effects of Direct Mailing and Display Advertising. Peter Verhoef, Lisan Lesscher, and Lara Lobschat

An advisory panel of current and past executive directors and academic fellows nominates four to six papers for the award. Criteria for the nomination process include quality of the conceptual framework, quality of the support for the framework, potential impact on MSI companies, and potential impact on subsequent academic research.

The finalists for the 2022 Best Paper were:  

Brand Political Positioning: Implications of the 2016 US Presidential Election. Natalie Mizik and Eugene Pavlov

Do Offline and Online Go Hand in Hand? Cross-Channel and Synergy Effects of Direct Mailing and Display Advertising. Peter Verhoef, Lisan Lesscher, and Lara Lobschat

Does Sustainability Sell? The Impact of Sustainability Claims on the Success of National Brands’ New Product Introductions. Hans Risselada, Jenny Van Doorn, and Peter Verhoef

Is There a Hierarchy of Effects in Advertising? Empirical Generalizations for Consumer Packaged Goods. Koen Pauwels, Shuba Srinivasan, Gokhan Yildirim, Marc Vanhuele, and Albert Valenti

The Impact of Chief Marketing Officer Role Variance on Marketing Capability. Kimberly Whitler, Neil Morgan, and Lopo Rego

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