
Since its inception in 1961, the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) has been a trailblazer in the realm of marketing science and research. With a steadfast commitment to fostering unbiased scientific research, collaboration, and peer-to-peer networking, MSI has become a champion of knowledge and innovation in the marketing world.

By bringing together the brightest minds in academia and industry, the institute creates a fertile ground for the exchange of ideas and best practices. In support of this mission, MSI sponsors a number of research initiatives focused on today’s most pressing industry challenges, and the future’s most promising opportunities.

As the marketing landscape evolves, MSI remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering marketers with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in a dynamic and competitive world.

MSI Privacy Regulations Initiative 

An increased focus on privacy regulations and privacy protections have created wholesale shifts in consumer interactions with firms in recent years. Have there been unintended consequences as a result of privacy, including anti-competitive effects, stifled innovation, increased search costs, and bias against protected classes? MSI is working with policymakers to understand the unintended outcomes of privacy policies. 

MSI Marketing Mix Models Initiative 

Firms in today’s data-driven, AI focused world need effective methodologies to identify the impact of their marketing efforts and to determine how to allocate resources across different marketing mix strategies and tactics. Relying on industry averages or past experiences may not leverage the unique situation of your firm. MSI’s MMM Initiative equips executives and analysts with the elements necessary for successful MMM implementation, provides information about the challenges that must be addressed, and the innovation opportunities to overcome them. 

MSI Solutions 

Based on recent member demand, MSI now is offering an additional level of service for members who want assistance evaluating and developing significant projects and initiatives. Leveraging our unique network of world-class academic subject matter experts, MSI staff will work with member companies in a highly consultative engagement to develop an initial situation analysis, identify research questions, and manage primary research to solve member challenges. This service includes project fees and is only available to MSI members.

MSI Outcomes-Based Healthcare Initiative 

With “outcomes-based” business models in healthcare, providers are paid based on patient outcomes rather than fee for service or for product. MSI proposes a major initiative to study how to deliver greater consumer surplus for low-income consumers — with equal or greater profitability for health care providers relative to current practices, integrating patient behavior, technology, economic factors, and outcomes measurement.

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