Working Paper

Marketing in a Crises-Laden World

Dhruv Grewal

Babson College

Martin Mende

Florida State University

Abhijit Guha

Duke University

Kusum L. Ailawadi

Dartmouth College

Anne L. Roggeveen

Babson College

Maura Scott

Arizona State University

Aric P. Rindfleisch

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Koen Pauwels

Northeastern University

Barbara E. Kahn

The Wharton School

Apr 28, 2021


Building from theories across a wide variety of disciplines (psychology, management and strategy, and public policy) and in-depth interviews with senior executives from diverse (goods and services) industries, this article proposes an integrative framework for understanding how individual consumers, companies, and governments respond to crises such as COVID-19.

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