May 21, 12:00 AM UTC 

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The Challenge of Managing Social Media and Marketing Analytics: Evidence from The CMO Survey

The introduction of social media and marketing analytics is transforming the field of marketing. Using data from the highly regarded and influential CMO Survey, Professor Moorman will discuss the key challenges companies face in managing these complex activities effectively and efficiently even as they learn about these new ways of approaching marketing. Longitudinal data from 2008 to the present from marketing leaders across a wide array of industries will be used to offer a unique perspective as to benchmarks for companies and to provide compelling insights into best practices for managing activities for competitive advantage. Among the practical but tricky topics Professor Moorman will examine include 1) social media investment levels, 2) how social media is integrated with marketing strategy, 3) how social media is being measured, 4) the use of marketing analytics, and 5) increasing the return on marketing analytics in companies.

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