Dec. 2 | 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET 


Marketing Science Accelerator Virtual Program

MSI presents the 2021 Accelerator, an exclusive opportunity to learn from and interact with experts from leading business schools at they share their latest research on personalization, customer retention, and the role influencers play in WOM environments.


Customer Management & Artificial Intelligence
Speaker: Dr. Eva Ascarza, Harvard Business School

The session will offer an overview on how companies can use AI to improve their returns on marketing efforts.

Design and Evaluation of Personalized Targeting Policies
Speaker: Dr. Hema Yoganarasimhan, University of Washington

Firms often run A/B tests to evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing strategies (e.g., pricing, promotions, advertising, website design). However, simply assigning all users to one action (e.g., one ad creative or promotion) is often suboptimal. In this talk, we will go beyond standard A/B tests and learn how to design and evaluate personalized targeting based on recently developed machine learning methods. We will cover a general framework that is broadly applicable to a wide range of industries and problems.

Word of Mouth & Influencer Marketing
Speaker: Dr. Mitchell Lovett, University of Rochester

This session will introduce frameworks around word-of-mouth/social media (WOM) determinants and effects, and their relationship to brands. Both the benefits and limitations of WOM will be discussed. Influencer and second-screening will be explored through some early research results. Measurement of word-of-mouth both via surveys and social media analysis, as well as its effects will be covered in the process.


Who Should Attend?

Rising Stars

High potential marketers that company leadership wants to award and recognize


Attendees will have demonstrated interest and ability in assimilating and applying marketing knowledge and techniques


Their roles may include branding, insights, market research, analytics, economics, marketing training, and innovation


Attendees may have varying levels of experience and expertise in qualitative and quantitative approaches

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